At JMtel we know everything that goes on between cell phones and the networks that serve them. We know all facets of collecting wireless data, processing it, data mining, presenting pertinent data, and highlighting problems. We can work with you, or by ourselves, to ensure the job is done right – the first time. From full turnkey to intermittent projects, we save you time and money.
RF consulting, data processing and analytics
Drivetesting, walktesting
Network monitoring, autonomous monitoring, remote data acquisition and data analytics
Data management
Remote data collection, crowd sourced data, data analytics
Support of your projects, missions, and operations.
Removing headaches
Staff augmentation, turnkey operations, RFP criteria, intermittent projects
Training & mentoring for cellular technologies
FirstNet RF preparedness, spectrum analysis, police crime scene RF analysis, military RF networks.
Reach Us
10300 Eaton Place, Suite 440,
Fairfax, VA 22030-2239
+1 703 981 1112